School Fees and Remission

School Fees 學費

The school fee of 2024/25 academic year is $25,900 per year for your reference. The school fee is paid by 10 installments, i.e. $2,590 per month.

School Fee Remission

Each year the school will use not less than 10% of the gross amount of the school fee received as the school fee remission and scholarship.

  • The purpose is to help students with financial needs and to ensure that they have an equal opportunity to study at this school.
  • We refer to the eligibility criteria of the Student Finance Office to assess students’  fee remission application.  Full rate of school fee remission will be granted to students who have received full-level of subsidy.  Half-level of the school fee remission will be granted to students who have received half-level of subsidy.  Detailed information is available on our School website.  Simultaneously, students with excellent academic achievement will also be granted scholarships.
  • Our School encourages students’ siblings to study here.  Students having siblings studying / or graduated from our school can have half-granted school fee remission. To download the application form, please click here for further process.

* Parents can choose to submit the application on either one of the following periods.  They must not submit twice.

  • – The 1st phase application 12 – 24 August 2024 (applicable to whole school students including current and new students)  Starting from 1 July 2024, application form can be obtained from the School General Office or downloaded from the school website;
  • – The 2nd phase application 2 – 10 September 2024 (applicable to whole school students)  Starting from 1 July 2024, application form can be obtained from the School General Office or downloaded from the school website.

If parents want to apply for the Local Education Allowance, they should approach the related government department directly.



  • 旨在幫助有經濟需要的學生,讓學生不會因家庭經濟困難而損失入讀本校的機會。
  • 審批準則參考學生資助處的審批原則,凡在學生資助處獲取全額資助的家庭,可獲減免全部學費;獲半額資助家庭,可獲減免一半學費。領取綜合社會保障援助金的家庭可獲減免全部學費。詳情可參考本校網頁的資料。另外,成績優異的同學會獲發獎學金。
  • 本校鼓勵學生的兄弟姊妹入讀,與他們一同在這裡成長。如有兄弟姊妹在本校就讀或曾在本校畢業,可獲學費半免。如欲索取申請表,可於這裡下載

* 家長可選擇於以下其中一個階段遞交申請,請勿重複申請:

  • – 第一階段申請 2024年8月12 – 24日 (適用於全校學生,包括舊生及新生),同學可於2024年7月1日開始向校務處索取申請表/或於學校網頁下載;
  • – 第二階段申請 2024年9月2 – 10日 (適用於全校學生),同學可於2024年7月1日開始向校務處索取申請表/或於學校網頁下載。


Direct Debit Authorisation (直接付款授權書)
Finance Assistance for Post Secondary Students & Non-means-tested Loan Scheme