Aims & Objectives:
- To enable students to develop an understanding of moral values and civic awareness.
- To help students develop their healthy characters in the sense of quality students with positive thinking.
- To support form teachers in building up the class cohesions and good relationship with the students.
- To facilitate the development of positive and harmonious culture and ethos in school.
- To promote Values Education through nurturing in their students the ten priority values and attitudes: "Perseverance", "Respect for Others", "Responsibility", "National Identity", "Commitment", "Integrity" , "Care for Others", "Law-abidingness" , "Empathy" and "Diligence"
- To reinforce students’ moral values and undertake civic responsibility
- Students have better fostering of inner qualities to be a citizen who will show respect, perseverance and caring toward others.
- To promote national education through different programs and activities.
Activities of MCEC
Value education day(School Assemblies and Workshop)
Causal Wear Day
Board Decoration Competition and Workshops
Stars of Canaan(Diligence and Helpfulness)
MCEC board display
Flag-raising ceremony and Workshops
Voluntary Service Scheme and activities
Student Leadership Program
Basic Law competition and Civic education activities
Useful Links:
Teaching Staff:
Ms NG Yee Man (NYM), Head of Committee
Mr CHAN Kwok Kei (KEI)
Ms KO Hiu Laam (KHL)
Ms LEE Hoi Ling (LHO)
Mr LEE Yiu Cho (LYC)
Mr PANG Chi Lik (PCL)