Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students in STCC 2023-2024

Our school provides tailor-made Chinese classes for our non-Chinese speaking students (NCS students), using Cantonese as the medium of instruction. In light of students’ ability and will, NCS students will be assigned to study in either mainstream or NCS Chinese class.

Regardless of their choice of Chinese curriculum, all NCS students will take international Chinese language exams, including IGCSE and GCE (AL) as an alternative qualification. 

In addition to the Chinese subject, our school-based Chinese History and Culture Studies curriculum is designed to familiarize NCS students with Chinese History and Hong Kong's traditional culture. The subject allows students to learn outside classroom and put what they have learnt into use.

Under a harmonious and inclusive atmosphere in STCC, our NCS students get along well with local students and actively participate in academic and extracurricular activities, such as Harmony Day, weekly assembly as well as other culture activities held by International Culture Appreciation Club.


本校為所有非華語學生安排參加國際中文考試,包括IGCSE和 GCE (AL),有利學生升讀本地大學及銜接海外升學。


為了建立尊重和共融的校園文化,我們提供不同的平台,讓非華語學生和主流學生有更多交流的機會。例如︰HARMONY DAY、週會、文化體驗活動、國際文化學會等等的平台,以提倡尊重和共融的校園的文化

School Support Summary 2022-23
學校支援非華語生摘要 2022-23