Are you interested in the sports and fashion of the French? - IC Week Days 3 & 4

Date: 10/06/2022

  • See how athletic our student is!

  • How much do you know about Tour de France?

  • “Dior”, “Louis Vuitton”, “Chanel”, “YvesSaintLaurent”…… Have you heard about these iconic French brands of all time?

  • Can you tell what the luxurious products are made of?

  • They are working hard together to figure out the answers! Keep fighting!

  • “Which one should be the correct answer? Can you give me some hints so that I can enjoy the sweet?”

  • So many students come and enjoy the mini-games! That’s awesome!

  • Mr. Kain So is giving some hints to the student for the correct answer.

  • Our NET teacher gets most of the answers correctly!

  • Book exhibition is one of our hightlights in IC Week!
