Student Committee

MCEC Society is formed to plan and organize various activities. By implementing the activities, members are trained to develop their independence and leadership skills, and to help them become civic and social-minded citizens who are ready to serve and care for the needy and to take an active role in social service.

MCEC Society member


1 Hope吳一朗NG Yat LongMember
3 Faith周學言CHOW Hok Yin AldenMember
3 Honesty李浩然LI Ho Yin ElvisMember
3 Honesty盧詩妍LO Sze YinMember
3 Love李詠心LI Wing SumMember
4 Faith馮金盈FENG Kam YingMember
4 Faith曹子悅TSO Tsz Yuet JeffreyMember
4 Honesty蔡鎧遙CHOI Hoi YiuMember
4 Honesty蔡栢妍CHOI Pak Yin KristieMember
4 Honesty劉心LAO SamMember
4 Honesty李晧縉LEE Ho ChunVice Chairman
4 Honesty潘可盈POON Ho Ying HelenaMember
4 Honesty陳愷晴CHAN Hoi ChingMember
4 Hope黃敬樂WONG King LokMember
5 Honesty蔡蔚然CHOI Wai YinMember
5 Honesty周思愉CHOW Sze YuMember
5 Honesty梁諾謙LEUNG Lok Him AnsonMember
5 Honesty伍卓懿NG Cheuk YiVice Chairman
5 Honesty蘇柏奇SO Park KeiMember
5 Honesty黃愷晴WONG Hoi ChingMember
5 Honesty黃璟頤WONG King YeeChairman
5 Honesty姚施樂YIU Sze LokMember
5 Honesty余思樂YU Sea LokMember
5 Hope林子渝LAM Tsz YuMember
5 Hope葉泳希YIP Wing HeiMember
Inter-class Board Decoration Competition Workshop

On 21st September 2023, class representatives from each class joined the inter-class board decoration competition workshop. In the workshop, students gained some ideas and skills of design, preparing for the decoration of the board in each class.