• 055
    2023-2024 Circular to Parents (128) Matters on the Adjustment of Class Formation in Secondary 3 NCS classes 2023-2024年度家長通告 (128) 有關中三級分班結構變動事宜
  • 054
    2023 - 2024 Circular to Parents (127) Matters on the Arrangement of Secondary 4 After-school Uniform Assessments 2023-2024年度家長通告 (127) 中四級英文科課後測驗事宜
  • 053
    2023 - 2024 Circular to Parents (124) Matters on ‘Life Simulation’ Workshop for S.4 students 2023-2024年度家長通告(124) 中四級「模擬人生體驗」人生規劃工作坊
  • 052
    2023 – 2024 Circular to Parents (123) Parent-Child One-day Tour in Noah’s Ark 2023-2024年度家長通告 (123) 挪亞方舟親子一日遊
  • 051
    2023 - 2024 Circular to Parents (119) Matters on the Sick Leave / Leave Application for Students 2023-2024年度家長通告(119) 有關學生早退/請假程序事宜
  • 050
    2023 - 2024 Circular to Parents (118) Secondary 3: Matters on the First Round of Course Selection for 2024-2025 Secondary 4 students (Simulation of course selection) 2023-2024年度家長通告 (118) 中三級:第一次新高中選科事宜 (模擬選科)
  • 049
    2023–2024 School Circular to Parents (114) Matters on the Second-hand Uniform Selling Platform 2023-2024年度家長通告 (114) 有關「二手校服銷售平台」事宜
  • 048
    2023-2024 Circular to Parents (111) Matters on Parents’ Academy in 2nd School Term 2023-2024年度家長通告(111) 有關下學期迦南家長學堂事宜
  • 047
    2023 – 2024 Circular to Parents (110) Matters on S.2 & S.3 Parents’ Night 2023-2024年度家長通告 (110) 有關中二及中三級家長晚會事宜
  • 046
    2023 – 2024 Circular to Parents (109) Matters on the Arrangement of S.1 – S.5 Parents’ Day 2023-2024年度家長通告 (109) 中一至中五級家長日 (2024年2月24日)
  • 045
    2023 - 2024 Circular to Parents (98) ‘Journey of Life’ Education Workshop for S2 students 2023-2024年度家長通告(98) 中二級「生命之旅」學生成長活動
  • 044
    2023-2024 Circular to Parents (96) Matters on STCC Alumni Association Poon Choi Gathering 2023-2024年度家長通告 (96) 《有關迦南校友會新春盆菜宴》事宜