ECF Saint Too Canaan College is committed to delivering quality Christian education to our students.  We are now inviting applications for the following teaching position:


  • Possess a recognized degree and relevant professional teaching qualifications

  • Have sound subject knowledge and teaching skills, with relevant teaching experience is an advantage

  • Proficient in the use of technology in classroom

  • Demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills

Interested parties, please send an application with full curriculum vitae to:

(Information submitted will be used for recruitment purposes only.)


  • Possess a recognized degree

  • Have related subject knowledge/ teaching experience would be an advantage

  • Have strong command of English and Chinese, both oral and written

  • Proficient in computer applications (e.g. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.); high proficiency in Excel would be an advantage

  • Demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills

  • Substitute lessons

  • Provide support and guidance to Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students

  • Provide administrative support to different departments & committees

Interested parties, please send a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae including availability, present and expected salary by email to: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

(Information submitted will be used for recruitment purposes only.)


  • Possess a recognized degree

  • Have strong command of English and Chinese, both oral and written

  • Proficient in computer applications (e.g. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc); high proficiency in Excel would be an advantage

  • Demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills

  • Substitute lessons

  • Provide support and guidance to Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students

  • Provide administrative support to different departments & committees

Interested parties, please send a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae including availability, present and expected salary by email to: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

(Information submitted will be used for recruitment purposes only.)

  •  逢星期一至五上課日下午4:30分至7時清潔6個課室及2個洗手間,需要抹黑板、掃及拖課室 、拍齊枱椅、

  • 洗手間抺鏡、清潔洗手盆及枱面、擦洗廁所坐廁、踎廁及尿兜、掃地及拖地(濕拖後再乾拖)、關電及鎖門


有興趣者請聯絡 李小姐 電話:23720033。合則約見。